Motion Graphic & Video for Kung Fu Tea



With a brand as big as Kung Fu Tea, crafting high-quality Motion Graphic & Video was a necessity. Alicia was tasked with communicating the use of their new app, and through storyboards and custom illustrations, putting the final result together was easy. The video not only told an engaging story but also got the company's customers excited about downloading their app.

Creative Director

Motion Graphic & Video for Kung Fu Tea
Alicia C.
New Hampshire
14 + Years
Entertainment, Hospitality, Finance, Healthcare, Consumer Goods & more


Scope of Work
Storyboard, custom illustrations, video editing, working and final files
Involved Creatives

Ashton N. | South Carolina | Video & Animation

Jingting L. | California | Graphic Designer

Plan type
Plus Plan
Project Duration
2 Weeks